God's Mission | God's People | God's Power


Series Focus...

The focus for this series ‘Acts – God’s Mission; God’s People; God’s Power’ is to follow the lives of believers after the resurrection of Jesus. As we follow the narrative of the early church through the first five chapters we learn a few key themes

  1. God has a mission – Jesus came to inaugurate his kingdom and save people from their sins (Acts 1:3; 1:6; 2:38; 3:19; 4:12; 5:31)

  2. God has a message – the message is the gospel, ‘the good news’ of Jesus death, burial and resurrection in time, space, and history in order to save God’s chosen people. (Acts 1:1; 1:11; 2:22-23; 2:32-38; 4:2; 4:10-11; 4:33; 5:30; 5:40-42)

  3. God has a people – those who repent and believe form God’s people and are given God’s Spirit & God’s mission to display and declare God’s message (Acts 1:4-8; 1:14; 2:1; 2:42-47; 4:23-24; 4:32-37)

  4. God has a power – the mission of salvation is impossible apart from the Spirit of God empowering the people of God to boldly live and proclaim the word of God. (Acts 1:5; 1:8; 2:4; 2:17-18; 2:33; 2:38; 4:8; 4:31)

We unfortunately had some technical issues this week, and the podcast for Acts #6 is unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

We unfortunately had some technical issues this week, and the podcast for Acts #10 is unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.