
We believe that leadership is really important.

In the words of John Maxwell, ‘everything rises and falls on leadership.’ The Apostle Paul said that God gave leaders ’to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ’ (Eph 4:11-12). To understand how important leadership is in the Bible just do a study of the kings of the Old Testament. God is a leader and is pro-leadership. Because he loves his church he desires godly leadership to lead as he leads. This is how we roll with leadership at LCC


JESUS RULED: Jesus is both the head of the church and the cornerstone (Acts 4:11; Eph. 2:20; Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18), meaning it’s His church. He is in charge and he tells us how we are to function. How does he rule? Through his Word and his Spirit. Where his word is clear, we simply submit and obey. Where it is not. We pray, seek guidance and wisdom and humbly do our utmost to follow the Spirit’s leading.

ELDER LED: His word teaches that elders are to lead the church (Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; 1 Tim 4:14; 1 Tim 5:17; Tit. 1:5; 1 Pet. 5:1-5). Throughout Acts the Apostles lead the church but as the church continues to multiply and the Apostolic age is coming to an end Elders are instructed to be equipped and installed to lead the church, as Christ does. That is to say Elders are to be shepherds. They are to know, love, feed, lead, equip, protect. At LCC we do not believe that capital ‘A’ Apostles, or capital ‘P’ prophets exist today and believe that is why the Apostles equipped and installed elders in every local church in the New Testament. At LCC we have a Elder Process to help us equip and install godly elders that model Christ-like servant leadership not cultural self-serving leadership.

PARTNER RESPONSIBLE: At LCC we have Gospel Partnership. Gospel Partners are those that have covenanted to partner with us a church in the gospel mission. As gospel partners we are not only informed in decisions made we also participate in making decisions, taking responsibility to see those decisions be carried out and even at times vote on decisions when necessary.

CONGREGATIONAL INFORMED: While non-partners may not carry responsibility like a gospel partner, the wider body still remain informed on important decisions and direction of LCC. We seek to be transparent as a church in order to continue to maintain the unity of the Spirit of God as a church as we seek to be led by His Spirit and ruled by Christ in and through his word.